Schedule of the defenses is now available


Several levels of involvement may be considered:

  • discussion on the paper (problem, procedures, results, algorithms, simulations study, key ideas, etc.)
  • proof of the main mathematical results
  • redo the simulations study
  • personal input on the subject (new mathematical results, new simulations results, new databases, make some parallel with other scientific domains, etc.)

Depending on the involvement of the group of two students, there are two ways to validate the course:

  • The best is to provide a very well commented (in markdown) python notebook which will serve as a report containing a simulation study, the problem, some maths, etc..
  • For those who don’t want to do simulation, a pdf report is also OK (but a simulation study is a good thing to have in the report)

At the end of the defense, some questions on the main key ideas of the course will be asked to each student individually in the group.

Each student will have its own personal grade depending on:

  1. the work of the group on the subject (quality of the report and the code, level of understanding of the problem and the solution, the math and the algorithms)
  2. the personal answers to the questions on the course
  3. a good balance between theory and practice is good

Defenses will take place in the week between Monday 29 March to Friday 2 of April. I will post on this webpage a Google sheet where each group will have the opportunity to tell me about their availability during this week.

Defense supports (notebook or pdf report) will have to be sent to me via email before Thursday 25 of March.

Indicate in the title of the email “Report for the Compressed sensing course - group number XX - john doe and jane doe”

Beware that the validation of this course depends on your registration to this course at your own administration. It is not enough to post a comment to be registered at this course regarding your cursus.