The statistics department is organizing on Friday 13th of May a day of short talks from the department students. It will take place in amphithéâtre 250 from 9:45 to 12am. A buffet concluding this event will take place in the statistics department on the third floor at 12am. Below is a schedule of the talks. Every talks is 10 minutes long plus a questions/answers time.


Name subject status
9:45 -- 10:00 Corentin Odic Social Learning 1st year phd (Vianney Perchet)
10:00 -- 10:15 Younès Youssfi Sudden Cardiac Death Third year PHD (Nicolas Chopin)
10:15 -- 10:30 Nayel Bettache Matrix Time Series First year PhD (Cristina Butucea)
10:30 -- 10:45 Donier-Meroz Etienne Graphon Estimation in the Bipartite setting second year PHD (Dalalyan Arnak)
10:45 -- 11:00 BREAK BREAK BREAK
11:00 -- 11:15 Yann Issartel Statistical Learning in Non-parametric Latent Space Models Post-doc (Cristina Butucea)
11:15 -- 11:30 Hai-Dang Dau Monte Carlo methods 3rd year (Nicolas Chopin)
11:30 -- 11:45 Zong Shang benign overfitting PHD track (Guillaume Lecué)
11:45 -- 12:00 Hugo Chardon Statistical learning theory, finite sample analysis First year PhD (Matthieu Lerasle and Jaouad Mourtada)

Support The stat students day is suported by the CREST.